By Craig Lammert, M.D. AIHA Executive Director Over the past decade, numerous studies have clearly shown that individuals with autoimmune hepatitis (AIH)...

The Interface Blog is the best place to find detailed perspectives on autoimmune hepatitis. We publish the most up-to-date news, educational pieces, and stories about patients just like you.
By Craig Lammert, M.D. AIHA Executive Director Over the past decade, numerous studies have clearly shown that individuals with autoimmune hepatitis (AIH)...
By Craig Lammert, M.D., AIHA Executive Director Azathioprine (Imuran) has reigned as the most common medication to treat autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) beyond steroids for...
By Craig Lammert, M.D., AIHA Executive Director Two types of autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) have historically been recognized: Type 1 and Type 2. The type 2 variety,...
By the Autoimmune Hepatitis Association Two amazing young adults with AIH have stepped up to form a Young Adult Support Group for patients between the ages of 18...
By Craig Lammert, M.D. AIHA Executive Director The bubonic plague often conjures images of flea bites and grotesque swollen lymph nodes. But when people think of the...
The Autoimmune Hepatitis Association The treatment for autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) hasn’t changed much in the past 60 years; however, a newer steroid called budesonide...
During our 2022 Year-End Fundraising Campaign, we're sharing a series of Supporter Spotlights. We hope these stories of fellow autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) patients and...
During our 2022 Year-End Fundraising Campaign, we're sharing a series of Supporter Spotlights. We hope these stories of fellow autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) patients and...
On GivingTuesday 2022, we wanted to share the first in a series of Supporter Spotlights we’ll be highlighting now through the end of the year. We hope these stories of...
The Autoimmune Hepatitis Association Research studies have long suggested that patients with autoimmune diseases may be at higher risk of cardiovascular disease such as...
The Autoimmune Hepatitis Association A research collaboration between Indiana University and University of Pennsylvania (which included members of the AIHA Medical...
The Autoimmune Hepatitis Association This past year, a few cases have been reported of AIH developing and possible AIH flares after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. Recently,...
The Autoimmune Hepatitis Association We are thrilled to share that the Autoimmune Hepatitis Association (AIHA) recently had its first patient-initiated research paper...
The Autoimmune Hepatitis Association We know it can be scary to think about having a baby when you have a rare disease, especially one like autoimmune hepatitis (AIH)...
By Craig Lammert, M.D., AIHA Executive Director Over the past year, a few members of the Autoimmune Hepatitis Association (AIHA) have emailed us or shared in our...