You can make a difference in the fight against autoimmune hepatitis.

Recent Registry Statistics


patients enrolled


current average age


taking steroids


taking azathioprine


have experienced fatigue

The need.

Standard treatments for AIH haven’t advanced for more than 50 years because of limited numbers of patients to study, few researchers interested in the disease, and lack of funding.

​The AIHA is committed to advancing research that leads to new and better treatments that improve the lives of patients. We are building our patient registry and working collaboratively with scientists and pharmaceutical companies.

Make a difference.

When you join our free registry, you can help researchers:

Advance Scientific Knowledge

Improve Quality of Life

Develop New Treatments

How to sign up.

1. Review Study Materials

2. Contact Us

If you are interested in joining the AIHA patient registry please email us at:

3. Meet Virtually With Research Coordinator

You’ll learn more about the study and be asked to give your consent to participate.

4. Enter Registry & Complete Survey

Our research coordinator will send you a link to join.

5. Congratulations!

You are making a difference and advancing knowledge about AIH. Patients in the US will receive a free T-shirt to thank them for their participation.

Our commitment.

Your personal information will always remain confidential. Our staff and Medical Advisory Board thoroughly review all requests for access to our registry. We only share information without identifying details.