Patient Tool Kit

Have you been recently diagnosed with autoimmune hepatitis (AIH)? We have the most important things you need to know about AIH so you can quickly get up-to-speed on this treatable disease and know what to expect as a patient.

Choosing the Right Doctor

Questions for Your Doctor

Tips for Doctors Visits


Information/ FAQ

Mental Health Resources

Medication Adherence

AIH: The Basics


Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is a chronic disease that causes patients’ immune systems to attack their livers and sometimes damage them. With treatment, most patients don’t need liver transplants and have normal life expectancies.

Download a printable brochure in English and Spanish to share important information about AIH with family, friends, and others who might need to better understand what you’re going through.

New Patient Support Group

The AIHA has a support group for newly diagnosed patients that meets quarterly. Send us an email at to join. This group, which is open to patients who have been diagnosed within the past year and their family members, provides basic disease education and support. AIHA Executive Director Craig Lammert, M.D., who is a hepatologist typically attends these meetings to answer general questions about AIH.

Your Care

We know how stressful an autoimmune hepatitis diagnosis can be for patients and their families. We’ve put together the following resources that we hope make it easier for patients and families to navigate this disease:

Choosing the right doctor: How do you know if you’re seeing the right doctor to treat your AIH? We can help.

Questions for your doctor: We break down what questions you should be sure to ask your doctor at your next appointment.

Tips for doctors visits: We’ll help you get the most of our medical appointments.

FAQs for newly diagnosed patients: Check out the top questions that newly diagnosed patients have.

Medication Adherence: Need help with taking your medications consistently? Our guide gives helpful tips and tricks to try.


Mental Health: Learn more about how anxiety and depression may impact autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) patients and what you can do to help alleviate symptoms.

Download a printable brochure in English and Spanish to share important information about AIH with family, friends, and others who might need to better understand what you’re going through.

Be sure to check out other resources on our website, like causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, and living with AIH.

The AIHA Mentorship Program

The Autoimmune Hepatitis Association is excited to announce a new support program! The AIHA Mentorship Program connects patients with other patients and caregivers with other caregivers in order to provide one-on-one support. The program, open to all patients ages 5+ and caregivers, is a way for participants to share experiences, learn from one another, and provide emotional support.

The program is tailored to the preferences of participants. Mentors and mentees can communicate however they like. They may choose to text, email, talk on the phone, and/or have video calls with one another. Children may write pen pal letters or share drawings.

Whether mentors and mentees choose to share their stories and experiences or simply vent about their day, they can feel confident they are not alone in their AIH journey.


The AIHA would love to hear your feedback on our Patient Tool Kit! What are we missing? What would be helpful to you? Share your thoughts by emailing